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view post Posted on 1/10/2008, 13:35

Verfication: Pending

Title: Nightmares and Shadows

The chapter starts off with Naruto and Pa Toad on top of a cliff inside of square ring that looks like its made for boxing w/o the sides. Instead each side falls off the side of the the cliff. Pa Toad tells naruto that frog style kumite is designed to help those able to enter sannin mode control the increase in their power, speed, ninjutsu, and genjutsu. If naruto masters frog style kumite he will be able to control his new powers effectively in battle. Pa toad also tells naruto that since he has progressed further than Jiriaya the increase in his powers will be far greater making it possible for him to fight using Kumite on a higher level, but also making it far harder for him to learn to fight at 100% using Kumite.

Pa toad tells naruto that the first step to learning Kumite is sparing in Taijutsu. Naruto thinks it will be easy to beat the old Toad, but he is quickly overwhelmed in speed and hit on the head with Pa Toad's staff. Naruto goes Sannin Mode and grabs him, but he goes so fast that he can't stop himself and both of them fall off the cliff. Scene changes to them at the bottom of the cliff all dirty and Pa toad yells at naruto for not waiting for his explanation. Pa Toad then tells naruto that since all of his powers have been enhanced his body and mind won't be able to cope with the enhancement at first and thats why he wasn't able to stop himself from running off the cliff. Naruto and Pa Toad then get into a fight again and naruto goes sannin mode but this time runs into a tree.

Scene changes and naruto looks exhuasted and so does pa toad. Pa Toad thinks naruto is mastering the ability to use Sannin Mode very quickly and soon he will be able to teach him real Kumite techniques. But he worries that it isn't enough to stop Pain. Scene switches to night time and Naruto is in Sage Mode and his hand is dripping in blood. Naruto says somthing about needing just a little more power and concentration and the technique will be complete. The page shifts to Pa Toad's perspective who is hiding behinde at tree watching naruto with a look of sheer terror on his face. We then see that Pa Toad is afraide of naruto's technique because naruto is standing in a huge creator that has a gaint slice of the ground missing in the middle. Pa Toad thinks he hasn't seen anything like this since the jutsu that Shodai hokage used which created the valley of the end.

Scene switches to Konoha and its now night time and all the konoha shinobi on the wall guarding konoha are dead. In a distant corner of the village we see a shinobi wake up from his bed and grab a kunai, but he has his throat slit by a black blade of long hair pain. We then see another house attacked by smily pain who rips the throats out of the people living there before they can scream. Blood runs out of the five different houses. And many shinobi lay dead on the ground around konoha(its implied that pain is killing the shinobi and villagers w/o being noticed). Yahiko Pain is shown in the room of another shinobi. He walks closer and we see that its Sakura and he holds up his black blade to kill her...then the chapter ends. Side text reads somthing like what is the fate of sakura and what is the technique that even Pa Toad fears....Next time New Technique...Sakura's death?!?

view post Posted on 1/10/2008, 21:29

grande hibichi c'č hibichi c'č :riot:
view post Posted on 1/10/2008, 22:07

Siiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!! :D :P





view post Posted on 2/10/2008, 14:12

merda pain fadisastri mo a konoha :fermosi:
view post Posted on 6/10/2008, 11:39

Ahhhh ... un bel capitolo ... finalmente XD

L' hachibi č un gran fintone.. XD

Siiiiiiii Sasukkia ti sta nel culo ... ahahahah

Azz PAin attacca ... @__@

Naruto ... boh .. sara in trans mistica XD
view post Posted on 6/10/2008, 14:55

gią pain farą disastri :asd:
view post Posted on 6/10/2008, 14:57

mi sa che Tsunade fa brutta fine XD
view post Posted on 7/10/2008, 19:34

anche a me č piaciuto come capitolo :sasa:
chissą dove vorrą andare l' 8 code.. mah..certo che č stato una merda.. xD
ha fatto uccidere il tipo perchč pensavano fosse morto.. :P

perņ č veramente idolo il jinkurichi :smile:
9 replies since 1/10/2008, 13:35   51 views